All information is written in all conscience. For any errors or ommissions we assume no liability. We do not take responsibility for external content and information that we link via Hyperlink. We also want to inform you that we update our homepage on a regular basis.

The content of the page is copyrighted and may only be used for personal use. Any kind of other use, primarily storage in databases, publication, duplication and industrial use as well as transmission to a third party – also parts or revised information – is prohibited except with our written permission.

Hyperlinks to are welcomed. Nevertheless we ask you to refrain from including parts or sites from our homepage in unapproved formats and Locations.

Website Design and Programming:
Rubikon Werbeagentur Gmbh

This website uses “cookies”. Cookies are small text files that are stored by a website on a user’s device in order to simplify future visits to this website. You can define in your browser settings whether the cookies are permitted or not. If you do not permit cookies, certain functions and pages will not work as expected. Cookies that are already located on the computer can be deleted at any time. The procedure for this can be found in your browser instructions (under “Help” in the browser menu).

We use the open source software tool Matomo on our website, which was set up on a virtual server at the data center Hetzner Online GmbH, Sigmundstraße 135, 90431 Nuremberg, Germany. This ensures that no data is transmitted to third parties and that the data remains under our control.

Matomo uses cookies. These cookies allow us to count visits. These text files are stored on your computer and enable us to analyze the use of our website. The last two character blocks of your IP address are marked, so we have no technical way of clearly identifying you as a user. We understand this analysis as part of an Internet service in order to be able to further improve the website and adapt it even better to the needs of the users.

With the cookie content when using our site for the first time, you have the opportunity to agree whether a web analysis cookie may be stored in your browser to enable us to collect and analyze statistical data.